Monday, March 21, 2011

Double Standard-Weight

Hello Hello Hello!!!!!
I have returned for my one month lapse of writing in this blog. I had been extremely busy studying for the GRE and that was priority for the month of Feb and March. But it paid off because I did well! :) Just what i had wanted..Anyways..back to business

Topic of today was inspired by something I saw on the Tyra Banks Show. I am not nor have i even been an avid watcher of the Tyra Show but the title has sparked my interest. "Fat Hateration". Poor title but intriguing. The show was basically about a panel of women who were biased or discriminatory towards obese people. At the end of the show, they brought up the point I will be focusing on for this entry….That weight is a double standard. Meaning that our society views obese men and women a lot differently. Men: neutral. Women: Negative....They spoke about how In the corporate world, when one views an obese women they assume she is a secretary, and wouldn't assume that she is in a position of power. They assume she is lazy due to her size. When there is an obese man in power, he is given excuses on why he is fat, such as he works too much.
Even outside the corporate world we can see the double standard taking place. When you see a bigger man with a beautiful petite woman, commonly people will assume that he either must be really nice or has money. Even women said they like when a man is bigger because then they feel more liek a lady and like feeling so much smaller. Obese women on the other hand have said they have felt pressure from their significant other to lose some weight. Especially if there significant other is not over weight. Even through my own experiences, I have noticed there is DEF pressure in a relationship setting for the women to maintain her figure or stay fit. Im sure many of you can think of more instances were the double standard has taken place. Men usually always get the upper hand in these situations. Unfortunately, its not that they are only given the upper hand, but females are so harsh on other females. So it is not only that men get the better light of being bigger, but women beat themselves even further down.

The idea of having womens size being scrutinized while the mans size is not, is unfair. Not saying that we should start scrutinizing the men too, but that we need to stop being so hard on the women. We as women, are the quickest to criticize someones appearance (makeup, hair, size, etc). The only thing that is doing is hurting our own sex by making these criticisms acceptable. If women can do it to women, what makes males think they aren't allowed to do the same. In today's society there is a HUGE pressure for women to look a certain way. Celebrities don't make it easier, our friends don't make it easier, and we def don't make it easier on ourselves. Stop the criticisms. Stop making passing comments to your friends about how big someone is. Im sure they know how big they are without pointing it out. It is not your place to tell someone they are fat or obese. If you want to do something, HELP THEM. Be there to go on a walk with them. Be there to give them motivation on their weightless journey (if they are trying to lose weight). We as a society need to stop being so critical of others because it doesn't help anyone. Calling someone fat does not always motivate someone to lose weight. But I can guarantee it will make someone feel bad about themselves. You never know which comments will stick with someone forever and which wont, so make sure that the ones you are saying to someone are all positive, so those are the ones that stick. It has been studied that the negative things usually stick out more than the positives....

This was more of a rant than an informational post I am aware. But this is something that people need to be reminded of. I am also trying to be more cautious of what I say about people's weight and how I say it. One comment can lead to consequences you never knew were possible. It can trigger someone to want to diet. It can trigger someone to dislike their own body. It can trigger an eating disorder. So next time you are gunna call anyone fat either to their face or behind their back, think about who its helping and who it is making feel better...if you can think of a good answer, it probably shouldnt be said...

with that ...I HOPE EVERYONE WILL SPREAD THIS AROUND TO THE MASSES! :) thanks for reading! i will try to post a more informational one next time...I am thinking of either how Eating Disorders relate to other disorders (borderline personality disorder), or the different types of therapy and what are most effective.. hmmm :)

1 comment:

  1. agreed. some people have no respect for others. But its human nature to see and speak, monkey see monkey do. But i fear as a media driven culture, its going to be hard to overcome. love all, and live happy.
